Lots of fun things going on this month. I had my first sleep over at Paisley's house. She has super cute pictures on her blog.
http://paisleyada.blogspot.com/ I love to jump in my pony jumperroo. Paisley gave me an exersaucer which is so much fun. I am eating cereal and sweet potatoes and I have almost mastered sitting up. We went to the lake to celebrate Grandpa and Great Grandma Betty's Birthday and we got snowed in. It was fun I got to sleep with mom and dad and foster.

What is this white stuff?

I look just like my Dad.

Uncle Johnny was showing me the snow.

Aunt Laurie thought we were all crazy about the snow.

I am trying out mommy's old rocker.

Look at me sitting up!

Sweet Potatoes!

Exersaucer is so much fun!

More Cereal Please!

Mommy's hair is funny!

Had to help Daddy with the ribs.

He sure is excited over ribs.

Not sure why I am in this basket but mommy thought it was funny.
Here are some old videos of me.