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Monday, July 28, 2008

Our First Baby Shower

We had our first baby shower this past weekend. All the great people I work with threw a very nice shower Friday night. The food was fantastic and they all chipped in to buy us our baby stroller/car seat combo. I am touched by there generosity. Thanks to all the molecular and seed people. A super thanks to the organizers. Charlie and I had a great time. No worries Herschel! Our camera is getting fixed so I just have a few pics of the stroller.

Charlie expertly put this together and installed it in the car. We are ready to go!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baby Weekend

This weekend was Baby Weekend. We decorated the baby's room and hall bathroom. We bought a new door for the nursery. We just need to paint it. The dots still need to go up on the wall. We need some creative assistance. But the room is looking great and makes me happy. The baby and I are doing well and keep getting good marks with the doctor. Our next appointment we will get an ultrasound and possible schedule the C-section. She is moving lots and you can see bumps in my belly when she moves. The past too days we have had baby class. Charlie and I both have enjoyed class although it reminds how soon she will be here. We are excited about more baby classes and some fun baby showers coming up. Charlie and I are having lots of fun and want to thank everyone for all the support they have been giving us.

30 Weeks Belly Shot

A very cute from Aunt Kate all the way from Guatemala

Some pictures of the nursery

A new and very colorful bathroom.